Dear Ladies & Gentlemen,

if you are interested in our latest study

“The value of journalistic content for the Google search engine in Switzerland”

find the download link and contact details to the study authors here.



How can I optimize my campaign? | How do we support behavioral change? | How can we get people to accept responsibility in the public sphere? | How can I take customers into the digital world? | How should I pay my managers and employees? | How do I set goals and evaluate them objectively? | How can I predict the success of new products and services? | Who are my customers of tomorrow? | How can I get people to give feedback? | How can I draw women into the labor market? | How can I create more customer value with less complexity? | How can I invent traditional services in a digital world? | How do I organize self-organization? | How can schools, parents, and children cooperate better? | How can I get employees to work together better? | How can I generate loyalty with my brand? | How can I build up and keep a digital relationship? | How can I take customers into a digital world? | How do I change the rules of the market? How can we create real value from digital offers?

We create sustainable solutions for the important questions of our time with evidence-based knowledge about human behavior.

    Institutions & Leadership

    Every successful strategy takes human behavior into account. Assessing this correctly is the cornerstone of every successful organization.

    Markets & Regulation

    Every market is subject to certain rules. We need to understand these rules and adjust them as necessary in order to distribution resources fairly and efficiently.

    Digitalization & Education

    Knowledge about human behavior in the digital world is the key to competitive organizations and societies.

    Environment & Energy

    Entrepreneurial actions and human consumer behavior cause negative externalities for the global environment. Do we need intervention & regulation here? And which?

    Society & Aging

    People grow increasingly old, and the demands on society are becoming more complex. Behavioral economics approaches can create the framework for a cooperative life together.

    Compliance & Reputation

    The globally connected world is changing the way we live, work, and communicate; evidence-based compliance and reputation management will create a suitable entrepreneurial culture.


      We need your soft heart and your clear mind