Lesetipp: “A behavioral economist’s model of responsible leadership” von Gerhard Fehr

Am letzten RECOL Forum diskutierte Gerhard Fehr, CEO von FehrAdvice, über die richtigen Incentives für nachhaltiges Management. Aus seinem Vortrag ist nun ein Blogpost auf myimpact.ch entstanden.

Lesetipp: "A behavioral economist’s model of responsible leadership" von Gerhard Fehr

Aus dem Artikel:

Responsible leadership is about making business decisions that, aside from the interests of the shareholders, also take all the other stakeholders, such as workers, clients, suppliers, the environment, the community, and future generations into account.

During the last RECOL Forum in Switzerland, Dr. Katrin Muff, Dean of Business School Lausanne, presented an interesting model for responsible leadership.

In this model, any leader constantly shows reflective awareness, which allows him or her to take a universal perspective on his company. He or she is a responsible person with distinctive ethical skills and knows what is right and what is wrong. And he or she demonstrates “enlightened statesmanship“, as Dr. Muff calls it, which allows a wider societal and political perspective. And beyond that, the leader is a sustainable entrepreneur as well, visionary and always with the long term-perspective in mind.

Does the average person really behave as described?


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