It is a challenge to organize an enterprise’s recruitment in such a way that new employees do not just bring knowledge and ambition, but also contribute to the actual entrepreneurial culture and embody it. An entrepreneurial culture to which employees actively contribute is important for the long-term success of every enterprise.
This case study, using an example from FehrAdvice, examined whether the use of the Wepow video interview can help design FehrAdvice’s recruitment in such a way that it contributes to the relational entrepreneurial culture. The results are unambiguous: the use of the video interview makes applicants perceive both FehrAdvice as well as the application process as more relational.
This is in particular due to the fact that applicants can glean a personal impression of the enterprise’s employees through the usage of the video interview, and their personalities are the focus of the application process. Furthermore, the video interview helps FehrAdvice attract and select applicants who prefer relational employment. Moreover, the video interview assists in minimizing the recruiters’ behavioral patterns and biases. The application process thus becomes fairer for the applicants, and makes it easier to reach a sustainable decision in the interest of both parties.
A relational recruiting process is thus a fundamental factor in attracting the best and most suitable candidates who will contribute sustainably and effctively to the entrepreneurial success. As the case study showed, video interviews are a supporting pillar of this relational recruiting.