Videos von der BX2016 Behavioral Exchange Conference in Harvard

Im Juni fand in Harvard die BX2016 Behavioral Exchange Conference statt. Die Konferenz wurde von der Behavioral Insights Group am Center for Public Leadership, Harvard Kennedy School, veranstaltet und bot einen eindrucksvollen Einblick in die aktuelle verhaltensökonomische Forschung an der Schnittstelle von Wissenschaft und Politik.

Behavioral Exchange 2016 took place at Harvard University on June 6 & 7, 2016, and featured over 80 speakers, and nearly 400 attendees from dozens of countries and organizations. Conference-goers learned about innovative research and policy in this rapidly expanding field.

We talked about what’s next in behavioral science and policy; what we’ve learned from government policy to date; what’s new and innovative in academic research; how we can collaborate and integrate across the two; and how we can answer some of the critical questions coming out of the field.

This two-day event connected leading experts and emerging policy-makers, academics, and practitioners in behavioral insights to explore and create new and better policies that could change the world.

Alle Sessions wurden aufgezeichnet und sind als Videos verfügbar. Hier jene zu den Themen Gesetzgebung, Entwicklungspolitik, Philanthropie und Diversität:

Session “Law”:

Session “Development”:

Session “Philantropy”:

Session “Diversity”: